濟寧長河機械有限公司位于孔子故里、京杭大運河畔的山東省濟寧市,是一家集研制、開發(fā)、制造、銷售汽車零部件生產廠家。公司主要產品散裝水泥車罐蓋、液罐車罐蓋、混凝土攪拌車上裝部件等汽車部件共三大系列20多個品種。產品主要供中國重汽集團、中集集團、中通汽車集團、中聯(lián)重科、三一重工集團等國內多家汽車集團和大型汽車改裝廠,產品遍布全國各地。公司采用的CAD計算機輔助設計和Solidworks三維設計系統(tǒng),不斷吸收國內外技術精華,使的設計與用戶的設想融為一體,讓產品更加,嚴格的工序控制和準確的檢測手段,使公司的產品更加出色,用戶使用更加安全放心。濟寧長河機械有限公司以生產汽車零部件為主,同時開展多元化經營。目前,公司與山推集團、山東礦業(yè)集團等多家配套,并成為協(xié)作單位和配套企業(yè)。濟寧長河機械有限公司以“重質量、抓改進、講誠信、創(chuàng)品牌”為宗旨,以的產品,完善的售后服務體系,進一步提高廣大客戶的滿意度,確保廣大客戶能夠安全、、便利地進行操作,為客戶獲取大的經濟效益。Jining Changhe Machinery Co. Limited, which located in Jining, Shandong Province - the Hometown of Confucius at the side of Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal., is a professional manufacturer engaged in special auto parts’ researching, developing, manufacturing and marketing.The leading products of our company are special auto parts like bulk cement truck cover, tank truck cover, concrete mixer parts totally three series involve over 20 varieties. The products mainly provide for automotive groups and large automobile refitting factories such as China National Heavy Duty Truck Group, China International Marine Containers, Zhongtong Group, Zoomlion, Sany Heavy Industry, etc. All of our products enjoy a great popularity throughout China. Adopting CAD (Computer Aided Design) and 3D design system Solidworks, constantly absorbing essence of advanced technology, the designs fuse consumers’ ideas together and our products become more perfect. Strict process control and accurate means of detection make our products safer and more remarkable.We mainly produce special auto parts, with diversified management carrying out at the same time. At present, we are cooperating with several companies as Shantui Construction Machinery and Shandong Mining Group, and has become a fixed cooperating units and outstanding supporting enterprises. Taking “maximize quality, stress improvement, honor credibility, create brand” as our tenet, we will provide the consumer top quality products and perfect after-sale service to further improve the
詳細資料 | |
公司名稱 | 濟寧長河機械有限公司 |
企業(yè)法人 | 郭長河 |
所在地 | 山東濟寧 |
企業(yè)類型 | 有限責任公司 |
成立時間 | 2008-01-02 |
注冊資金 | 51 萬元萬人民幣 |
主營行業(yè) | 海綿 |
主營產品 | 海綿 |
主營地區(qū) | 山東省濟寧市任城區(qū)喻屯鎮(zhèn)洙造新河北S251省道東 |
經營模式 | 生產型 |
經營范圍 | 散裝水泥車罐蓋、機械配件、工礦配件的生產(須憑環(huán)保批準文件經營)。有效期限以許可證為準。散裝水泥車罐蓋、機械配件、工礦配件的銷售。 |
是否提供OEM | 否 |
公司郵編 | 272063 |
公司電話 | 0537-2558378 |
- 郭長河
- 山東
- 海綿
- 海綿
- 山東省濟寧市任城區(qū)喻屯鎮(zhèn)洙造新河北S251省道東
- 郭長河
- 13583700271
- 濟寧長河機械有限公司
- 272063
- 山東省濟寧市任城區(qū)喻屯鎮(zhèn)洙造新河北S251省道東